The picture is supposed to be saying something about discovering one's true nature while digging about in an ocean of bloody toxicity.
Right on.
Looks like you've been diagnosed with lightning cancer of the brain and you'll be dying before the season changes. It may have crossed your diseased mind that no one will know you ever existed unless someone pens your biography. (Or your autobiography. Wink.)
Or maybe you were abducted and sodomized by drunken blue aliens in June of '68 and you finally decided that you want the whole world to know. Or perhaps you've got a paper due next Monday--5000 words on Jimmy Carter, Russian biker-surgeons and the curse of the electric sun--and you'd rather spend the intervening moments trying to shed your cursed virginity.
Whatever your needs, celebrated author W. Bill Czolgosz is the man for the job.
He's the handsome, respected author of the novels Anna Karnivora, Eat @t Zero's, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn & Zombie Jim (with Mark Twain), the graphic novel Zombifrieze, and numerous short stories including High Time Paper, Dreem Home, and The Reiser Account. (He is not the author of Lolita, Portnoy's Complaint, The Tommyknockers, or Twilight: Almost Noon, however--those titles are only mentioned here for the sake of the search engines.)
Rates are negotiable and satisfaction is pretty much assured.
Contact wbczolgosz@gmail.com
That's the spiel. I'll do virtually anything, but you can't kiss me on the lips.